Learn Earn Lead

Sustainable employment is critical to independence and self-suffiency for individuals, families and the community. The YWCA Employment and Learning Centre supports individuals in this process.

We are committed to helping our clients gain increased independence and ability in pursuit of their goals. Whether the need is a single appointment to prepare a resume or longer-term counseling to gain life and work skill, we are committed to supporting individuals on their life's journey.

We offer unique services in an effort to strengthen our community one person at a time.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Overcompensating: Executive Pay in Canada.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives released a very interesting study on Jan. 1, 2012, entitled
Overcompensating: Executive Pay in Canada.

The CCPA advises by 1:18pm on January 2, the first official working day of the year, Canada’s top 100 CEOs have already pocketed $45,448 — what it takes the Average Joe an entire year, working full-time, to earn.

By the end of 2011, Canada’s top 100 CEOs had pocketed an average of $7.7 million.

At this rate, Canada’s highest paid CEOs make 235 times more than Canadians earning the average wage. If you think that’s normal, it’s not. In 1995, Canada’s top 50 CEOs made 85 times more than the average wage.

For more information visit: http://www.policyalternatives.ca/publications/commentary/overcompensating