Learn Earn Lead

Sustainable employment is critical to independence and self-suffiency for individuals, families and the community. The YWCA Employment and Learning Centre supports individuals in this process.

We are committed to helping our clients gain increased independence and ability in pursuit of their goals. Whether the need is a single appointment to prepare a resume or longer-term counseling to gain life and work skill, we are committed to supporting individuals on their life's journey.

We offer unique services in an effort to strengthen our community one person at a time.

Monday, December 08, 2014

6 Things That Will Kill Your Job Interview

6 Things That Will Kill Your Job Interview

By The NonProfit Times - November 13, 2014

There are certain things you should never say or do during a job interview, whether it’s in person, on the phone, or on Skype. No matter how skillfully you answered other questions, making one huge mistake could be the difference between getting hired or not.
According to Bruce A. Hurwitz, vice president of New York City-based Joel H. Paul & Associates, Inc., an interview will get you in the door but your behavior and appearance can get you quickly kicked out again.
Hurwitz explained how to prepare for the big interview at a recent Fundraising Day in New York held by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater New York Chapter. He mentioned that candidates should not do any of the following things:
  • Be late.
  • Bring coffee. Take care of your java fix before the interview.
  • Speak ill of your previous or current employers.
  • Bring up salary or benefits. If the employer does, be honest about what you’ve made and what you need to make.
  • Be modest. This is your time to shine. Emphasize what you personally have done and what you’ve done in a team setting. Tell them how you would fix their problems.
  • Bring notes. Prepare beforehand for questions but try not to sound rehearsed.