Learn Earn Lead

Sustainable employment is critical to independence and self-suffiency for individuals, families and the community. The YWCA Employment and Learning Centre supports individuals in this process.

We are committed to helping our clients gain increased independence and ability in pursuit of their goals. Whether the need is a single appointment to prepare a resume or longer-term counseling to gain life and work skill, we are committed to supporting individuals on their life's journey.

We offer unique services in an effort to strengthen our community one person at a time.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Reasons Why Employers Hire

A great resume
Your resume is an advertisement for you and it’s your first impression.
Make sure your resume is relevant to your industry.
Your resume has to be updated consistently and it is a living document.

Your online personal brand
Social media/social networking has become a preferred method of communicating and will be found.
Tailor what can be found on line to put you in the best light to the employer
Start a blog, moderate a forum or be active in linked in.

The right skills and experience
No one wants to hire a person who needs training.
Employers want people who can start working on the first day.
Get the right skills and experience, through volunteering and training.

Staying power with the business
Employers want people that stay in their company and work their way up the corporate ladder.
Employers want people who are flexible and can work in variety of jobs, departments, and projects.
It costs a lot to hire a new person, so employers are not keen on people who hop from one employer to another.

You get along with people
Your ability to work well with lots of different people is a key to your success.
Employers do not like trouble makers and they do not want to referee disputes.
You spend more time at work that you do with your spouse, so you better get along with those at work.

You can make the employer money
Employers hire because you can make them money.
Employers hire because you can save them money.
If you can show how much you will put on their bottom line, they will be very tempted to hire you. 

Positive attitude and enthusiasm
If you are able to lift the moods of your interviewers by way of charisma, humour or any other magic, you stand a lot better chance of being considered.
Everyone is attracted to happy and positive people.
If you stay positive and are enthusiastic after you are hired, you can inspire others.