Take Our Kids to Work Program
Research suggests that today’s students will have multiple careers over the span of their working years. They will need to master both new technologies and complex social and organizational systems. They will also need to be prepared with the educational tools and experiences that will be necessary to succeed in tomorrow's workplace.
Take Our Kids to Work™ is The Learning Partnership’s signature program, now in it's 19th year, provides Grade nine students with the opportunity to experience and learn about the world of work as they begin to explore possible career paths.
More than 250,000 Grade nine students and at least 75,000 businesses and organizations nationwide participate in Take Our Kids to Work day annually. The Learning Partnership began running this program in 1994 in Ontario and it has since grown into a national program that reaches students in all provinces and territories across the country.
Take Our Kids to Work™ is The Learning Partnership’s signature program, now in it's 19th year, provides Grade nine students with the opportunity to experience and learn about the world of work as they begin to explore possible career paths.
More than 250,000 Grade nine students and at least 75,000 businesses and organizations nationwide participate in Take Our Kids to Work day annually. The Learning Partnership began running this program in 1994 in Ontario and it has since grown into a national program that reaches students in all provinces and territories across the country.
Take Our Kids to Work Day - November 6, 2013
Canada's Outstanding Employer Awards
On the first Wednesday of November every year. The Learning Partnership holds Take Our Kids to Work™ day, where more than 200,000 Grade nine, Senior 1 (Manitoba) and Secondary III (Quebec) students spend the day in the workplace of a parent, relative, or friend. In 2013 Take Our Kids to Work day falls on Wednesday, November 6.
Benefits of Take Our Kids to Work
For students, It’s an opportunity to:
Understand the importance of staying in school by learning first-hand what skills are required in today’s workplace.
Start exploring career options in a practical way and gain a better understanding of just how many career choices are open to them.
Develop an appreciation for their parents’ careers and roles in supporting their families.
For parents, it’s preparing your child for the future. You can:
Participate in a shared experience with your child.
Begin a career dialogue based on actual experiences.
Enrich your child’s experience with discussions before, during and after the workplace visit.