Learn Earn Lead

Sustainable employment is critical to independence and self-suffiency for individuals, families and the community. The YWCA Employment and Learning Centre supports individuals in this process.

We are committed to helping our clients gain increased independence and ability in pursuit of their goals. Whether the need is a single appointment to prepare a resume or longer-term counseling to gain life and work skill, we are committed to supporting individuals on their life's journey.

We offer unique services in an effort to strengthen our community one person at a time.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Financial Assistance for Students - Saskatchewan

The Province of Saskatchewan provides financial assistance and support programs are intended to encourage and assist students to participate in post-secondary education.
Saskatchewan also provides support to students from low income families and disadvantaged groups to participate in education and training programs too.
 Last year, over $48 million went to assist students with their education goals, with nearly two-thirds of that money being non-refundable. With the right skills and training, students can build a great career (and a great life) anywhere in the province.

See how from the programs below:

Student Loans
The Canada-Saskatchewan Integrated Student Loans Program offers a needs-based supplement to your existing resources to help you fund your education.

 Scholarships, Bursaries and Grants
 Information is available on non-repayable funding through scholarships, bursaries and grants.

Graduate Retention Program (GRP)
You may be eligible to receive a tax credit of up to $20,000! The GRP provides a rebate up to $20,000 of tuition fees paid by eligible graduates who live in Saskatchewan and who file a Saskatchewan income tax return.

Graduate Tax Benefit Programs
From 2000-2007, the Government of Saskatchewan had two previous graduate tax benefit programs for graduates from post-secondary programs.

Provincial Training Allowance (PTA)
PTA provides grant funding to assist with the costs of living for low income adult students enrolled full-time in basic education, workforce development programs or quick skills training which are not eligible for student loan funding.

Skills Training Benefit (STB)
The objective of the Skills Training Benefit program is to assist clients who are EI eligible to return to the labour market as quickly as possible and to improve their employability.

For more information see this link: http://www.aeei.gov.sk.ca/student-financial-assistance