Learn Earn Lead

Sustainable employment is critical to independence and self-suffiency for individuals, families and the community. The YWCA Employment and Learning Centre supports individuals in this process.

We are committed to helping our clients gain increased independence and ability in pursuit of their goals. Whether the need is a single appointment to prepare a resume or longer-term counseling to gain life and work skill, we are committed to supporting individuals on their life's journey.

We offer unique services in an effort to strengthen our community one person at a time.

Monday, June 17, 2013

GED News Release from Government of Saskatchewan


Success on the GED test is now just clicks away for adult learners in Saskatchewan.  In striving to provide more adult learners throughout the province with a high school credential and basic technology skills, Saskatchewan is partnering with GED Testing Service to now offer the GED test on computer.  The province is the first jurisdiction in Canada to offer the new testing format.
“We are delighted to bring the new computer-based testing format to our GED students,” Economy Minister Bill Boyd said.  “The new computer-based testing method provides a quicker and perhaps a more successful means to pursue the skills development necessary to participate in the province’s work force and build a rewarding life and career.”
“We’re looking forward to introducing computerized GED testing at all SIAST locations,” SIAST President and CEO Dr. Larry Rosia said.  “Ultimately, both learners and employers will benefit from a more efficient GED testing process – the first group from a speedier transition into post-secondary, and the second from access to a more highly educated work force.”
Since last year’s launch in the U.S., more than 40,000 computerized GED tests were delivered across 43 states with positive results for test takers.  GED Testing Service found that adults who tested on computer had an 88 per cent pass rate compared to 71 per cent for those who tested on paper.  In addition, adults who tested on computer completed their exams in five-and-half-hours compared to just over seven hours on paper.  Adults who tested on computer were also 59 per cent more likely to retake a failed test and remain in the GED testing program.
“Moving the GED test to computer helps adults demonstrate necessary basic technology skills and makes their testing process easier and more efficient,” GED Testing Service President Randy Trask said.  “We are so pleased that Saskatchewan is our partner in this important endeavor.”
Several new services will streamline the testing process and benefit adult learners who often need to move very quickly into jobs or training programs.  These benefits include:
  • Online scheduling and registration that is available 24/7;
  • More testing flexibility for test takers as they can choose when and where to take their test;
  • Instant unofficial score reports; (faster results mean adults can apply for jobs or immediately begin studying if they need to retake a subject area); and
  • Enhanced test security.
The computerized test will initially be offered at SIAST Wascana Campus in Regina and is expected to be available in all testing centres across the province by January 2014, with some transitioning in the coming months.  The GED test on computer is the same test currently offered on paper and pencil.  The test is administered in person at an official GED testing centre and is not available online.
Since 1970, more than 70,000 Saskatchewan adults have earned their GED Grade 12 Equivalency Diploma.  For adults interested in taking or learning more about the GED test on computer please visit www.economy.gov.sk.ca/ged.
About GED Testing Service
The GED test has opened doors to better jobs and college programs for more than 18 million graduates since 1942.  Last year nearly 800,000 adults sat for the GED test, which is accepted by virtually all North American colleges and employers.  As the creator of the one official GED test, GED Testing Service has a responsibility to ensure that the program continues to be a reliable and valuable pathway to a better life for the millions of adults without a high school diploma.  Visitwww.GEDcomputer.com for more information.
For more information, contact:
Deb Young
Phone: 306-787-4765
Email: deb.young@gov.sk.ca 
Armando Diaz
GED Testing Service
Phone: 202-471-2157
Email: armondo.diaz@gedtestingservice.com