Learn Earn Lead

Sustainable employment is critical to independence and self-suffiency for individuals, families and the community. The YWCA Employment and Learning Centre supports individuals in this process.

We are committed to helping our clients gain increased independence and ability in pursuit of their goals. Whether the need is a single appointment to prepare a resume or longer-term counseling to gain life and work skill, we are committed to supporting individuals on their life's journey.

We offer unique services in an effort to strengthen our community one person at a time.

Monday, June 03, 2013

Saskatoon Mothers’ Centre


I recently had the opportunity to visit the Saskatoon Mothers’ Centre* in its new space on the 2nd floor of Station 20 West.  This service invites women (i.e. parent job seekers) and their children to their drop-in sessions every Tuesday and Wednesday morning from 9:30-12:00 pm and every Thursday and Friday afternoon from 1:00-4:00 pm.  They ask you to join them in their new home…they say we would love to hear your thoughts on what we can offer the community.

*A Mothers’ Centre is a “public living room” where women, mothers, aunts, and grandmothers can meet on a regular basis to support one another. It provides a space for healing, respect and compassion.  Mothers’ Centre’s offer the opportunity for women to connect with their community and to build upon their leadership skills; children also have the opportunity to socialize with new friends in a relaxed and friendly environment.